Myths of the hustle and grind culture

abundance mindset Aug 20, 2021

Myths of Hustle and Grind culture:

❌ Busy-ness is the same as productivity
❌ Time is money
❌ I have to work hard to succeed
❌ If it's urgent I need to act all frantic
❌ I don't have enough time

What is Busy-ness? It's a feeling of stress, overwhelm, lack of time, rushing around, all associated with trying to GSD.

The crazy thing is you can still feel Busy-ness even when you aren't GSD.

And GSD can be done more effectively without Busy-ness.

If you want to always be stressed out running full speed on the hamster wheel, missing out on life, always chasing, count me out H&G culture.

It's time to break through some of the myths of the hustle and grind culture and take back your own life before you spend the entire time on the dopamine treadmill and miss out on all the beauty in life. 

Check out me and Bobby Dysart on the Student of Intention Podcast where we go deep on so many mindset topics. 

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