The Future Of Online Business Is Micro Education

creator economy online business online courses Oct 08, 2023

Do you remember back in the 90's if you really liked a song, you had to go buy the entire album, just to get that one song? 

Pretty soon you had a massive collection of CDs that would get scratched when you'd swap them back and forth at it was impossible to put all the songs you liked in one place.

Then Apple releases the I-Pod and I-Tunes and completely disrupts how we've been doing things and takes ALL the business. 

The power shifts from big labels to I-Tunes because now you can buy single tracks and put them all in a tiny device that you can keep in your pocket.

Now you can mix and match, make playlists that you love, AND pay less money.

 Matthew Biggar and I share a vision around where education and online business is heading. 

'Industrialized' education is a lot like buying a bunch of CD's trying to get a few songs that you like.

Except it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and 4 to 8 years (or more) and is becoming less and less a predictor of financial success in the modern world. 

I believe that traditional education as well as all other industries that stay stuck in an old way of thinking, should receive pressure from new and innovative ideas. This is how new and better ways of doing things come to be. 

I got the opportunity to jam with Matt on the High Value Skills podcast and we had a great conversation on:

✅ The outdated model of education and skill acquisition. 
✅ How Skill Stacking can amplify your income.
✅ Micro Courses and the 5x5x5 method.
✅ What's wrong with current online courses. 
✅ Building a dream business ecosystem around a core topic that you love (then monetizing it while massively serving other people). 

Matt reminded me of a quote by Bruce Lee: "Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own." 

There has never been a better time to be a knowledge broker and take advantage of the creator economy.

You can listen to this episode of High Value Skills Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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