Increase your sales using these 6 levers
Nov 23, 2022Got some good stuff in here so make sure to read to the bottom, but first….
Last week I shared how I created a 6-figure income that I only spend 10 hours per week on utilizing courses (leverage time), micro steps (15 to 60-minute increments per day) and LinkedIn (source of traffic).
This week I wanted to share with you some of the top reasons ‘why people buy’ so that you can start connecting your messaging with your offers, and how to integrate into your messaging.
Of course, there are other reasons why people buy but these are the ones that I focus on most and create good sales levers.
Here they are:
- To make money.
- To save money.
- To save time.
- To reduce or remove physical or mental pain.
- To raise their social status (gain praise, recognition, build relationships).
- To reduce effort/work.
Are the offers that you are selling or want to sell able to help your clients with any of these?
Chances are you can help them with more than one!
Let's play around with my Leveraging LinkedIn coaching and see how many on this list I can help with:
1 – I can show people how to identify, connect with and sell (make money) to their ideal clients using LinkedIn so they aren’t endlessly chasing people in the DM’s like a creepy stalker on Facebook and Instagram (reduce mental pain).
2 – I can save you money over hiring a coach or social media manager by giving you our Leveraging LinkedIn self-study course that is half the price of having someone do a profile audit on your page. It will give you a step by step blueprint on how to do this.
3 - But it doesn’t just stop at the profile page, with our downloadable PDF’s, cheat sheets, and action items we can save you a ton of time over trying to figure it out yourself! We’ve even got content pillars and a workbook with 50 content ideas that can make it easy for you (reduce effort/work) to come up with ideas instead of suffering with writer’s block!
4 – Our Leveraging LinkedIn course will show you how to use LinkedIn to connect with some of the top thought leaders on the platform and create collaborations, invite them to be guests on your podcast or live shows and tap into their network to grow yours (raise social status).
In last weeks email, I also talked about giving your audience a clear path to a result and not just what you do.
Do you see how this fits together?
What I do: marketing, sales, mindset, fitness, business, leadership, nutrition…..
How I help them: make money, save money, save time, reduce pain, increase status, reduce work using my……
OK next up, here are some updates:
Black Friday Week: I’ve just released a new workshop called Nail Your Niche! One of the biggest struggles with coaches, course creators and consultants is they haven’t gotten clear on their niche, dream client or messaging. This will fix it!
It’s on sale now and includes 4 lessons but here’s the real kicker: I actually show you how to test your audience, and potentially sell an offer, before you even spend any time and money creating it (oooohhhh did you see that, saving you time, money, effort and helping you make money).
I’ve stacked it with Bonuses (including a 41 page Finding Clarity workbook) and even share some scripts and the behind the scenes on an offer that I’m creating right now!
$47 bucks! Grab it now and get instant access!
Mindset Hackers Podcast: Best selling author and keynote speaker Judi Holler!
In 2019 I got a signed copy of her book Fear Is My Homeboy and with so many coaches that have a hard time with fears around Imposter Syndrome, putting offers out there, fear of judgment, fear of failure, etc. This is the PERFECT guest if you have felt this and will show you how she had this same exact fear and 3 things you can do right now to make Fear your ally!
Listen On Apple Podcasts and on Spotify!
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