How To Reprogram Your Subconscious To Create Success On Autopilot

success Feb 23, 2022

Did you know your Subconscious Mind is responsible for 99.99 Percent of the information that is processed in your brain?

Today on Mindset Hackers we are going to dive into how the subconscious is keeping you on autopilot for so many things that you don't realize, and most of the time it's holding you back instead of moving you forward.

What if you could flip the switch and re-wire your subconscious mind to work FOR you instead of against you?

Don't believe me that its holding you back? In this episode I dive into a couple of minor examples of how the subconscious mind has held me back but the reality is it's affecting us far more than we realize.

The truth is our mind is wired to keep us alive, to keep us safe, and our modern world the dangers aren't the same as when we were living in the prehistoric times where we had to live in scarcity and in a tribe.

I'll share 5 tips that I personally use to re-program my subconscious to align myself with success.

Don't get me wrong, I do the work, but the stuff I do helps make it easier on the back end and some of my practices are so easy to do.

Start to rewire your subconscious mind today and allow that resourceful supercomputer inside of your head to make things happen on your behalf without you thinking about it.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcast

Listen on Spotify

You can use some of the Mindset Hackers Guided Visualizations, Affirmations and Meditations to help with reprogramming your mind as well on Mindset Hackers YouTube Channel

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