How To Not Suck At Being An Entrepreneur With Top Podcaster Jamie Kullman
Mar 12, 2022
Today on Mindset Hackers I bring you one of the top professional mindset coaches that I know. She has a podcast that ranks in the top 1.5% in the world, she has also been voted as one of the top Mompreneurs by Yahoo Finance and today she sits down with me to talk about the journey and the mindset of a true entrepreneur that makes a living doing what she loves to do.
Jamie is also a member of the Elite Mastermind group, the top mindset and personal development mastermind in the world and part of my Elite series of interviews with some of the members.
Jamie Kullman was born to be an entrepreneur, slinging car parts out of her garage right after high school. Then she became an Amazon affiliate, a model, then she became a Podcaster inspiring and empowering moms to create sources of revenue.
Then she became a professional mindset and business coach and that is how our paths have crossed.
The path of entrepreneur is no surprise: sometimes it looks all glossy and badass but what you don't see is the defeat, the starting over, the self doubt, the questioning.
But what is created from that is a forged mindset of finding a way to make it happen. For those who are willing to take this journey, if you stay on this path and learn the lessons that you need to, a very good life awaits you.
Listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts
Listen on Spotify
Make sure you connect with Jamie on LinkedIn
Jamie's Podcast has been recently re-branded as the:
Aligned With Purpose In Life And Leadership Podcast.
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