How I'm Getting A Free Car (For My Wife) And You Can Too
Apr 14, 2022FREE CAR ANYONE?
I remember reading a book a long time ago from Rob Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, and he said:
“If I want to buy a new Ferrari, then I don’t go work for the money or take it out of my savings, I create an asset that pays for the Ferrari.”
The point he was referring to, was to not trade time for money but use your mindset an asset that in turn creates money.
I am not at the point where I’ve created an asset just to pay for a Ferrari, but I am at the point where I can replace my wife’s 2010 Toyota Rav4 with her dream car….and do it without trading my time for it.
In my Audio Masterclass ‘9 Ways To Monetize LinkedIn in 2022’; one of the 9 ways I mention is making money from ‘affiliate’ commissions by referring products or services that you LOVE.
One of my favorite apps to recommend to coaches and course creators, is Kajabi.
With Kajabi I can send out emails. I can run 1x1 coaching. I can set up an online event. I can distribute both free and paid content. I can host my courses or challenges.
I found myself always talking about it but it took me a while to realize that I could actually get paid for recommending it!
But it makes sense, after all I LOVE paying out referral bonuses to people who send me leads because that is a new client that I wouldn’t have ever had without the referral!
The crazy thing is I didn't even realize it for almost a year, it was right under my nose!
Now I am using my affiliate commission to evaporate my existing car payments and fund my wife’s dream car, just like Robert Kiyosaki described doing.
So how can you tap into affiliate commissions?
Don’t go seeking out products just so you can try to sling them to your friends.
Think about what it is that you already are using that you recommend anyway. Products or services that you are raving about!
Check on their website or reach out to their customer service to see if they have program.
If you have a solid online presence, you can create content about how to use equipment or apps then use affiliate links to send your audience to.
Even companies like Amazon can set up a way for you to link to products sold on their site, for example when I was looking for a high quality podcast set up, I found a YouTube channel that showed me what I needed and how to set it up, then in the show notes there were affiliate links that lead right to the products (see below).
So what ideas do you have? Message me back and let me know!
If you haven’t already, make sure you snag my ‘9 Ways To Monetize LinkedIn in 2022’ which now comes with a slew of bonuses and a new Facebook Group.
Also make sure you check out my latest Mindset Hackers Podcast Episodes which will give you amazing mindset tools to help you become a masterful entrepreneur!
Connect with me on Instagram, LinkedIn and check out Mindset Hackers YouTube Channel
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