3 sales levers you can use to CRUSH more deals!

#mindset close calls closers.io money mindset results to clients sales calls sales levers sales skills sales tips Feb 08, 2023

Here are 3 important ‘sales levers’ you can use in your sales process that I LOVE to use! 

Best of all, they can help your clients GET RESULTS by working with you, and keeping you accountable to helping them with results.  

ROI, COI and Infinite returns. 

Most of you have heard of ROI (return on investment).  

ROI is how much an investment in YOU will return for one of your clients.  

If your business helps others to (a) make more money, (b) save more money, or (c) save more time, then make sure you are using this in your marketing and your discussions with your clients. 

Make sure it is quantifiable and make sure you are creating case studies or testimonials.  

Show them that working with you is an investment with a return.  

COI (ROI’s lesser-known brother) 


COI could be applicable when your client is losing money, losing time, losing resources or in physical/mental pain.  

COI can be brought up in your conversation by simply asking ‘how much has this cost you’ or ‘how long has this been (hurting/hindering/affecting) you’ or ‘how long are you willing to let this go on before you address this’?  

Avoiding going to the dentist because you have a cavity will not help it get better. And with your clients, you can help them take action and resolve their problems by asking them about COI.  

Infinite Return.  

An infinite return is an extension of ROI. It is how I describe the knowledge you gain from an investment that you get to keep with you after you have made back your money. 

If I help a client get results, once they make more money than what they invested in me or one of my programs, they have a positive ROI and recouped their initial investment.  

They can invest that money back in their business, they can invest it with me again, or they can keep the money. But they also have gained valuable knowledge, so it becomes an infinite return on their investment.  

A personal example:  

I once was asked to join a mastermind for $19k. I turned it down because ‘it wasn’t the right time’, but then I spent the next 8 months with a lot of confusion around my business. A few months later I joined and it was $24k.  

The COI was 8 months of confusion in my business and the $5k increase in the price of the mastermind. 

Once I joined, I was able to recoup my investment in 3 months (ROI) and then everything I learned over that entire business (Infinite Return) I can use over and over now!  

The 6 Money Mindsets: 

On the Mindset Hackers Podcast check out the 6 Money Mindsets. To exponentially grow your wealth and ‘see’ more opportunities, you’ve got to incorporate different perspectives that you never had before. Listen Apple or Spotify !

LinkedIn Quick Tip: 

Make sure your 'providing services' section is updated on your LinkedIn profile. You can edit it by clicking the 'pen icon' just below your headline in your profile page.

People can 'request a bid' from you and inquire about your services here (and I've gotten inbound clients from this). I had a couple friends just discover this feature but its been here all along! 


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